21:00 - Online Day

¡Es hora de reunirnos todos en Perú! Volaremos todos los sabados online en la red de IVAO e intentaremos dar control ATC de 21.00z hasta las 01.00z ¡Os esperamos en Perú!

For more information click here.

23:00 - [04 SEP | 20z - 23z] [XA] Labor Day VFR Airbridge

AirNevada Virtual Airline, together with XA Flight-Ops and Events departments, invite you to fly along with us for a breathtaking VFR airbridge through the American southwest! AirNevada, an XA partner VA, operates a fleet of light aircraft and flies primarily in the southwest of the United States. For more information about AirNevada and all of our XA partner VAs, contact xa-flightops@sjc.cdn42.lol

For more information click here.