13:00 - [TH] Thailand Online Day

* Every Friday 1300Z - 1600Z

* Pilot and ATC can participate in this event and must online at least 1 hour per day and fly IN/OUT from Bangkok FIR.

* Only 1 leg per day will be accepted.

* Completed flights must be reported within 7 days after the flight.

* All legs must be flown online, using real weather, in real-time mode (1x sim rate).

* Pay attention to your flight plan. Legs with wrong departure and/or arrival airport will be rejected.

* Flights with DCT and/or DCT/GPS or VFR DCT as Flight Plan will NOT be accepted.

* Your flight plan must include at least one real alternate arrival airport. ZZZZ as an alternate will NOT be accepted.

* Aircraft must be stationary while online for a minimum of 6 minutes before departure and after arrival

* Members not communicating via UNICOM (122.80) can be excluded from the tour.

* Speed restriction : Below 10,000' Max 250 KIAS

* Maximum speed is M0.85

* Max Altitude is 43,000 ft.

* Remember to report legs in UTC time.

* A maximum disconnection of 20 minutes will be accepted

* Filed report not compliance with above rules will result in rejection.

* IMPORTANT: Remember you must check regularly you're connected to IVAN, to avoid problems later cause the flight was done disconnected.

* Download scenery at http://th.sjc.cdn42.lol/page_id=448

Pilots and ATC online for 25 times will receive the "Division Online Day Award"

For more information click here.