00:00 - CU ONLINE DAY 2020-2021

Every Saturday from 22z - 04z in winter and from 21z - 03z in summer, we celebrate our ONLINE DAY.
Pilots and ATC are welcome.
See you in "The largest of the Antilles"

For more information click here.

00:00 - [PT] Portuguese Online Day

Come and join us on the Portuguese Online Day every Saturday between 14z and 23z.
If you fly according to the rules and suggested route you can earn 1 point for the Division Online Day Award!

For more information click here.

00:00 - [AR] ONLINE DAY

Every Saturday IVAO Argentina will hold an Online Day Event - We are waiting for you

Saturdays from 00:00z to 23:59z - Peak Hour: 18:00z to 21:00z

For more information click here.

12:00 - [XN] Reykjavik RFE

Góðan Daginn Reykjavik!

IVAO Nordic Region is proud to present our next Event: Reykjavik Real Flight Event (RFE).
Reykjavik is the capital and largest city of Iceland. It is located in southwestern Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxaflói bay. Keflavik is the largest airport in Iceland and the country's main hub for international transportation. The main carrier at Keflavík is Icelandair, which has the airport as its main hub.

We have chosen July at the end of 2020, because we thought that most of the seasonal flights would have been scheduled. Unfortunately, with the Pandemic (which we hope it will leave us soon) the traffic is still limited. We have retrieve the most updated timetable available (which you can already find in our RFE site).

For more information click here.

12:00 - [PL]POLAND ONLINE DAY 12-21Z

Come and fly to Poland! We are providing full ATC every saturday from 12z to 21z

For more information click here.

13:00 - [GR] Samos - Do you have the GUTS XIV?!

The Hellenic Division for the 14th consecutive year organizes the successful event known as "DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS XIV?".

So, the Greek Division invites you this year on Saturday, 12th of June 2021 from 13:00Z to 16:00Z to "taste" Samos, executing one of the most difficult approaches in Europe.
The unique of this airport lies on the geographical position and especially challenging position of both Runways (09-27) of "Aristarchos of Samos" airport.

Runway 09 (length of 2.100 meters) is used for the approach of the airport, whereas Runway 27 is used very rarely due its proximity with the Ankara FIR and the avoidance of the extra fees from the industry companies operating to Samos, and also for the strong windshear on final approach, especially when there are north winds, quite common in the area.

Terrain particularly the mountain volumes near the threshold dictates as needed the approach from the south coast with east heading on 1500 feet AGL. When the plane crosses the threshold, begins on open left turn for a modified base leg heading northwest, followed by a close right turn for the final leg of Runway 09 while it must descent.

For more information click here.

16:00 - [CO] Colombia Online Day

The "Online Day" event will be held, every Saturday from 4:00 pm (HLC) 2100 (UTC) until 9:00 pm (HLC) 0200 (UTC). It is very important to clarify that it will be held EVERY Saturday.

For more information click here.


IVAO Algeria Division presents an Online Day, every Saturday at 1700z - 2000z.
Full coverage of ATC with great service.
Come fly in the Algerian sky and discover the different airports!
The Algeria Division wish you a good flight !

For more information click here.

18:00 - [12 JUN | 18z - 21z] [HQ+XA] Canada Overload

IVAO North America Region is proud to announce one of its biggest event of 2021, Canada Overload. From 18:00z to 21:00z, we will open every single center position in Canada, offering you three (3) hours of FULL ATC COVERAGE across the whole country. From British Columbia to Newfoundland, you can expect to have coverage over the major airports and en-route.
Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Montréal ... you name it! Canada is full of beautiful airport to fly in or out. This HQ event will offer you the posibility to gain one (1) point towards your HQ Events Support Award!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [EG] Egypt Online Day

Egypt Online Day

Every Saturday IVAO Egypt will hold an Online Day Event, which will take place from 18z-21z. The event will consist of two or more aerodromes or TMAs offering FULL ATC for the duration of the event. Each Online Day will be in different locations, the locations will be chosen by members through voting through our EG Discord channel or through our EG Facebook page, the locations that receive the most votes will be those that will participate in the event.

Voting will start on Monday, and will end on the Thursday preceding the Saturday of the event.

If you have any questions, here are our email: eg-ec@sjc.cdn42.lol

For more information click here.

19:00 - Ecuador Online Day

Come and fly to/from/in Ecuador and enjoy the Online Day to discover the beautiful landscapes we have in our country. Mountains, Sea, Galapagos Islands and Amazon regions are waiting for you with ATC Service from 19z every Saturday.
Report to our Tour system and get your medal after 25 participations as ATC or Pilot in our country !

For more information click here.

19:00 - [VE] Venezuela Online Day

The Venezuela Division wants to invite you to participate in its weekly event "Online Day Venezuela." .
with full control in Venezuela.
We are waiting for you, we are counting on you!

For more information click here.