00:00 - [PE] Online Day

Let's fly and enjoy our Online Day.

For more information click here.

00:00 - [ES+NL+HQ] Barcelona - Amsterdam Airbridge

IVAO-ES and IVAO-NL are pleased to announce our next event. Come and fly between Barcelona (LEBL) and Amsterdam (EHAM) or viceversa.

Next September 19th, between 17z and 21z, we will celebrate a new airbridge between both divisions.

Join us!

For more information click here.

03:00 - [UY] Uruguay Online Day, ALL DAY!!

Come fly and enjoy in our online day, every saturday all day long!!
(Peak hour 19z - 23z)

12:00 - [XN] Helsinki RFE 2020

Nordic Region is Continuing its Celebration for its 5th Anniversary Celebration! We're continuing the party with Helsinki Real Flight Event 2020! The booking system has been already released in order to allow all of you to book your favorite flight and/or rotation! There's a lot of choice between international and domestic flights with different air frames in order to give you the opportunity to choose your favorite ones! We're more than happy to say that Drzewiecki Design is sponsoring the Real Flight Event and Our Celebrations!

For more information click here.

16:00 - Portugal Online Day

O Onlineday continuará a cobrir o espaço aéreo português inteiro, no entanto, todas as quartas-feiras irá ser lançada uma rota especifica para o Onlineday, de maneira a torná-lo mais dinâmico e apelativo. Essa rota será publicada sempre no Discord da Divisão como também nos comentários do post do fórum.

The Online Day will still cover the entire Portuguese airspace, however, on each Wednesday, the IVAOPT division will publish a specific route that is suggested to be flown.
This route will be published on the IVAOPT divisional Discord channel and in the commentary section of the forum post.

For more information click here.

17:00 - [PL] Poland Online Evening

New series of Poland Online Evenings!
Fly or control throughout Polish skies to have magnificent fun and to collect a Division Online Day Award.
Forward to hearing you on the frequency!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [EG] Egypt Online Day

Egypt Online Day

Every Saturday IVAO Egypt will hold an Online Day Event, which will take place from 18z-21z. The event will consist of two or more aerodromes or TMAs offering FULL ATC for the duration of the event. Each Online Day will be in different locations, the locations will be chosen by members through voting through our EG Discord channel or through our EG Facebook page, the locations that receive the most votes will be those that will participate in the event.

Voting will start on Monday, and will end on the Thursday preceding the Saturday of the event.

If you have any questions, here are our email: eg-ec@sjc.cdn42.lol

For more information click here.

18:00 - [SD] Sudan Online Day

Bring your wings to our [b]Online Day[/b] every Saturday from 18z-21z

For more information click here.

19:00 - Ecuador Online Day

Come and fly to/from/in Ecuador and enjoy the Online Day to discover the beautiful landscapes we have in our country. Mountains, Sea, Galapagos Islands and Amazon regions are waiting for you with ATC Service from 19z every Saturday.
Report to our Tour system and get your medal after 25 participations as ATC or Pilot in our country !

For more information click here.


We are pleased to invite you to the MENDOZA OVERLOAD 2020 event taking place in SEPTEMBER 19th from 19 to 22 UTC.
Our members will be bringing full ATC coverage at Mendoza TMA. Join us making a fly in or out of Mendoza (SAME)

For more information click here.

19:00 - [BR] Online Day

Todos os Sábados (com excessão aqueles que já tenham outros eventos) a IVAO Brasil fará um Evento Online Day, que acontecerá das 19z-22z. O evento consistirá de dois ou mais aeródromos ou TMAs oferecendo FULL ATC durante toda a duração do evento. Cada Online Day será em localidades diferentes, as localidades serão escolhidas pelos membros por meio de votação pelos nossos canais do discord ou pela nossa pagina do facebook, as localidades que receberem a maior quantidade de votos serão as que partiparão do evento.

A votação se iniciará na segunda feira, e se encerrará na quinta feira precedente ao sábado do evento.

For more information click here.