00:00 - [XR] Eastern Europe and Nothern Asia Online Day

We want to welcome everyone to join us every Friday to enjoy plenty of ATC service and mini-events in the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan skies.
We are extremely happy to announce that the Online Day Tour is open.
See you there.

For more information click here.


Every friday between 15z a 23z on winter use time, and 14z a 22z on summer time we invite all of users to fly within Spain. We have great airports like Madrid, Barcelona, Palma or Málaga, where you can fly in.
Also we integrate two new event models, the FIRSCONNECT and the FRIDAY EVENING, having more options to fly to Spain.

For more information click here.

13:00 - [XE] East Asia Online Day

During the 3 hours period, we encourage all members to participate, as a pilot or ATC in our division coverage. This includes 6 FIRs in the region - Hong Kong, Taipei, Incheon, Manila, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh ACC. We hope to boost the number of connections in the timeframe and light up our region.

For more information click here.

13:00 - [TH] Thailand Online Day

* Every Friday 1300Z - 1600Z

* Pilot and ATC can participate in this event and must online at least 1 hour per day and fly IN/OUT from Bangkok FIR.

* Only 1 leg per day will be accepted.

* Completed flights must be reported within 7 days after the flight.

* All legs must be flown online, using real weather, in real-time mode (1x sim rate).

* Pay attention to your flight plan. Legs with wrong departure and/or arrival airport will be rejected.

* Flights with DCT and/or DCT/GPS or VFR DCT as Flight Plan will NOT be accepted.

* Your flight plan must include at least one real alternate arrival airport. ZZZZ as an alternate will NOT be accepted.

* Aircraft must be stationary while online for a minimum of 6 minutes before departure and after arrival

* Members not communicating via UNICOM (122.80) can be excluded from the tour.

* Speed restriction : Below 10,000' Max 250 KIAS

* Maximum speed is M0.85

* Max Altitude is 43,000 ft.

* Remember to report legs in UTC time.

* A maximum disconnection of 20 minutes will be accepted

* Filed report not compliance with above rules will result in rejection.

* IMPORTANT: Remember you must check regularly you're connected to IVAN, to avoid problems later cause the flight was done disconnected.

* Download scenery at http://th.sjc.cdn42.lol/page_id=448

Pilots and ATC online for 25 times will receive the "Division Online Day Award"

For more information click here.

14:00 - [DZ+HR] DAAG - LDZA Airbridge

IVAO Algeria Division and IVAO Croatia Division are pleased to invite all IVAO members to participate with us in Airbridge Event between Algiers - DAAG and Zagreb - LDZA airports!

For more information click here.

14:00 - [DZ+HR] Algiers - Zagreb Airbridge

IVAO Algeria and IVAO Croitia Divisions are pleased to invite all IVAO members to participate with us for an Air Bridge Event between Algiers and Zagreb Airports.

For more information click here.

18:00 - [DE] German Onlineday

It is time for German Onlineday again!

Every friday from 19lcl-22lcl

For more information click here.

18:00 - [HR] Croatia Online Evening

Join us during at least 20 Croatia Online Evening Fridays and obtain our Division Online Evening Award! You can expect full ATC coverage for at least one airport each week, as we will cover all LDZO FIR airports from south to north. Enjoy our online evenings and have fun!

For more information click here.