00:00 - Tuesday New Online Evening

Date: Dinsdag 15 november 2022
Time: 19:00z tot 21:00z

15 november 2022 is de start van onze vernieuwde online avond. Doe jij ook mee??

ATC posities van EHAM en EHRD zijn sowieso geopend.
Tevens zal Radar het luchtruim boven Nederland bewaken.
Divisies van België en Duitsland zijn ook geinformeerd over ons initatief, dus we verwachten ook daar ATC.

Vanaf 15 november willen we elke dinsdagavond als ATC aanwezig zijn, zodat piloten kunnen rekenen op goede ATC.
Graag nodigen we jullie van harte uit om te vliegen van en naar Nederland of tussen onze fantastische regionale airports. (VFR en IFR welkom!)

Wil jij als member bijdragen in dit nieuwe succes?? Natuurlijk wil je dat !

Je bent van harte welkom om samen met ons je ATC skills te laten zien.
Delivery, Toren, Approach van EHAM, EHRD, maar ook EHEH, EHGG , EHBK, Radar en Dutchmill. Je bent van harte welkom om deze posities in te nemen.

Boek hier je ATC positie voor deze avond maar ook voor toekomstige avonden: https://www.sjc.cdn42.lol/atcss/new.asp

Vanaf nu Iedere dinsdagavond kan je daar vrij boeken! Graag zelfs!
Op deze manier maak ook jij IVAO Nederland tot een succes!

Natuurlijk nodig ik ook iedere VFR / IFR piloot iedere dinsdagavond uit om de kisten weer te laten vliegen door het Nederlandse Luchtruim.

Registreer je bijdrage als ATC of als piloot op https://tours.at.sjc.cdn42.lol/index.php en spaar voor de NL award.

Durf jij met ons de challenge aan??

For more information click here.

16:00 - [UA] Divisional Online Day

Dear friends,
IVAO Ukraine is pleased to announce Online Evenings in Ukraine! We're waiting for all of you every Tuesday from 16:00z in Ukrainian airspace!
For charts and sceneries refer to our website: http://en.ua.sjc.cdn42.lol/

For more information click here.


Event Date: Every TUESDAY
Event Time: 19:00LT – 22:00LT
Event Type: Onlineday
Event Description: Come and fly during our weekly Swiss Tuesday event and experience great scenery as a pilot, or face new challenges as an ATC.
Countries: Switzerland
Airports involved: All Swiss Airports

Event Date: Every TUESDAY
Event Time: 19:00LT – 22:00LT
Event Type: Onlineday
Event Description: Come and fly during our weekly Swiss Tuesday event and experience great scenery as a pilot, or face new challenges as an ATC.
Countries: Switzerland
Airports involved: All Swiss Airports
Online-Day Award

For more information click here.

17:00 - Hungarian Online Evening 2022

Hungarian Online Evening 2022


Our online day is set to Tuesday from 17:00z to 20:00z on summer time, 18:00z to 21:00z on winter time. Come and fly to beautiful cities of Slovakia. See you on freq!

For more information click here.

18:00 - [CZ] Czech Online Day

Fly to fully controlled Prague FIR!

For more information click here.

19:00 - [NL] Dutch Tuesday New Online Evening

Every Tuesday evening the Dutch ATC will be online at EHAM, EHRD and many more.

Please challenge us as apilot, to fly to and from a Dutch airport.

All IFR and VFR traffic is welcome inside the Dutch Border.

For more information click here.

20:00 - [27 DEC | 16z - 20z] [HQ+PL] Kraków TMA Overload

Last year we had Domestic Overload Event that attracted a lot of attention. This year we prepared something better for you!

We created series of events called "TMA Overload", which will include every TMA in Polish airspace. If you attend 3 of 4 events you will be eligible for Great Division Award

This event is sponsored by Drzewiecki Design

The prizes are 3 chosen product from Drzewiecki Design

For more information click here.

23:59 - [27 DEC | 18z] [HQ] Fly With a Governor Leg 22

Welcome to the Twenty second of Fly with a Governor. This events series is brought to you by the Board of Governors and is a combination of two parts. The first part of this event will be a group flight from OERK to OLBA. The idea of the tour is to connect each Division and MCD together in a series of legs.

For more information click here.